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  1. Whitetail shot by #27Oldguy (10 replies)
  2. 2017 Colorado Elk (5 replies)
  3. Mule Deer Buck Shot by a Weatherby in 2016 (19 replies)
  4. Idaho Bear Hunt.... Goin Long!!!, by Jeff Brozovich (7 replies)
  5. 2012 Colorado Bulls (0 replies)
  6. 2015 colorado bull elk (5 replies)
  7. First deer of the 2015-16 season (11 replies)
  8. 2015 Mule Deer Bucks Shot by a Weatherby (9 replies)
  9. 2015 colorado rifle black bear (3 replies)
  10. 2014 bull elk hunt colorado (5 replies)
  11. 2014 craig colorado mule deer with warden help (10 replies)
  12. My son's South Dakota buck (7 replies)
  13. My year just got started off with a bang! (26 replies)
  14. Santa Came Late (9 replies)
  15. Grandson and Elk (10 replies)
  16. Elk Hunting--Oregon Coast (4 replies)
  17. Mature doe down (3 replies)
  18. Nevada Elk (13 replies)
  19. NV Youth Tag (4 replies)
  20. Bear down (6 replies)
  21. Wyoming Antelope 2014 (10 replies)
  22. Successful hunt so far :) (4 replies)
  23. 257 Weatherby takes down a few antelope (12 replies)
  24. Finally !!! (6 replies)
  25. 460 WBY Water Buffalo (9 replies)
  26. Aoudad sheep hunt guide problem (0 replies)
  27. My African trophies arrived.......damaged.... :( (18 replies)
  28. Spring Brown bear (12 replies)
  29. Great Hunt and My First Long Range Kill (5 replies)
  30. 378 kill (14 replies)
  31. A hattrick. (9 replies)
  32. Colorado Ranching for Wildlife Elk Hunt (2 replies)
  33. The Tradition Continues (8 replies)
  34. My biggest buck ever! (11 replies)
  35. The 257 Strikes Again, South AZ Coues Hunt. (5 replies)
  36. I shot a buffalo and took home an elk... (0 replies)
  37. 2013 Wyoming Antelope (5 replies)
  38. Roe buck hunting season started, and are now continuing! (1 replies)
  39. Roe buck hunting season started. (5 replies)
  40. Dingo and pig with the 300Wby (9 replies)
  41. California Turkey and Pig hunt (3 replies)
  42. 180gr E-Tip at 3200fps MV in white-tail at ~200yds (8 replies)
  43. A cool end to a fun but frustrating season (3 replies)
  44. Test of Fox Pro (3 replies)
  45. Buck Fever (Again) (4 replies)
  46. Got my Lion Back (24 replies)
  47. Whitetail, .257 WM, and Accubond (2 replies)
  48. Powderpuff Elk Hunt, Diane Scores Again!! (16 replies)
  49. 2012 Southern AZ Coues Deer Hunt (3 replies)
  50. 2011 whitetail (6 replies)
  51. Got my Elk.... (11 replies)
  52. First elk! (16 replies)
  53. 1285 yard Antelope (15 replies)
  54. California Antelope (11 replies)
  55. Early season archery (video) (7 replies)
  56. Fallow Deer September 2012 (4 replies)
  57. 2012 Nevada Pronghorn (1 replies)
  58. Texas Axis Deer (4 replies)
  59. Ozzy out west trip (15 replies)
  60. 2012 Stone Sheep Hunt (5 replies)
  61. Chamois 2012 (2 replies)
  62. My South Africa Safari (25 replies)
  63. Winter stag (5 replies)
  64. Texas style hunting (14 replies)
  65. My first trip to africa. (6 replies)
  66. Manitoba black bear (8 replies)
  67. 2012 Texas Hunt (5 replies)
  68. 2012 Alberta Black Bear Hunt and the 340 WBY Mag (9 replies)
  69. Nor Cal Oinkers n Gobblers - a long story (12 replies)
  70. Leo the Lion (6 replies)
  71. Snowy day pig in california (10 replies)
  72. Whitetail buck. Posted for TRE Custom. (21 replies)
  73. Scimitar Oryx (11 replies)
  74. BAck from Africa, last pictures. (2 replies)
  75. Back from Africa, more pics. (2 replies)
  76. Back from my first trip from Africa! (5 replies)
  77. Wild Boar trip to sweden (10 replies)
  78. Caribou 2011 (9 replies)
  79. A Day of Coyote Calling. (7 replies)
  80. 1100 plus Yard Yote Down! (12 replies)
  81. Great Day of Birds, Dogs, and Guns! (8 replies)
  82. A good day with the Orion .410 (3 replies)
  83. Boar Hunt 2011 (22 replies)
  84. 2011 Deer Taxidermy (8 replies)
  85. Some more pics of Texas (1 replies)
  86. Back from Texas (5 replies)
  87. Africa for the first time! (6 replies)
  88. When I turned 41, it was a very good year… (6 replies)
  89. Hey Skipper, What have YOU been hunting???? (3 replies)
  90. Ontario Hunting (5 replies)
  91. Arizona Jaguar (4 replies)
  92. My First Bull!! (7 replies)
  93. Arizona Dove Hunt (6 replies)
  94. Alabama gun season opened this weekend! (17 replies)
  95. 2011 TX whitetail hunt (8 replies)
  96. My Wifes 2011 Antelope (11 replies)
  97. Nevada Mule Deer 2011 (10 replies)
  98. Elk / Muley Hunting at it's finest. UPDATE 11-25 Diane's Elk added (75 replies)
  99. Lets Start with 2011 Antelope (7 replies)
  100. Grizzly, Moose Hunt 2011 (9 replies)
  101. Stone Sheep Hunt 2011 (11 replies)
  102. Swedish moose hunt. Part II. (6 replies)
  103. Rack only. (1 replies)
  104. Wyoming Antelope 2011 (10 replies)
  105. My Wyoming hunt in the Thorofare (14 replies)
  106. Swedish moose hunt. (14 replies)
  107. MT Muley '11 - Bow kill (12 replies)
  108. First bear (8 replies)
  109. Gorilla Hog (2 replies)
  110. Dove Opener (7 replies)
  111. Namibia....what a hunt! (21 replies)
  112. Got My Black Bear with One Day of Season Left. (21 replies)
  113. Bear Hunt and a Wolf " WARNING" " Graphic pics" (15 replies)
  114. Our Texas Adventure (16 replies)
  115. Elgin Gates in the Sahara (2 replies)
  116. Texas in March (7 replies)
  117. Elgin Gates in Mongolia! (0 replies)
  118. Pheasant Bonanza (11 replies)
  119. Hunting area (0 replies)
  120. A3 coyote day! (15 replies)
  121. Broke in "new" rifle with a double! (16 replies)
  122. Elgin Gates in Namibia! (3 replies)
  123. Got a buck off the mountain! (13 replies)
  124. Back to Kansas (6 replies)
  125. Another Yote, different rifle (16 replies)
  126. Buffalo's Beware!!! (13 replies)
  127. My Montana Lion Hunt (40 replies)
  128. My Christmas Ham (5 replies)
  129. My Wife's First Elk (22 replies)
  130. Put a doe down yesterday (2 replies)
  131. .257 117gr. Sierra and whitetail (4 replies)
  132. Broke in the 30-378 in texas (0 replies)
  133. Montana non-res tag fee 2011 (4 replies)
  134. Shotgun bucks (6 replies)
  135. Colorado 3rd Rifle (7 replies)
  136. Let a Sleeping Buck Lay (8 replies)
  137. Broke in the Bee (0 replies)
  138. My last Antelope for this Season. (4 replies)
  139. Fall Turkey (0 replies)
  140. Texas Safari! (34 replies)
  141. Broke in the 7mm STW and Berger 168's (5 replies)
  142. A Good Day Afield (9 replies)
  143. Buffalo Trip From Down Under. (9 replies)
  144. 2010 Elk Bitter Sweet and Done! (20 replies)
  145. Colorado Elk hunt 2010 (0 replies)
  146. First Antelope at 816 yards with Weatherby ULW in 7mm - Dad's hunt report (5 replies)
  147. 2010 Moose Hunt (6 replies)
  148. My Bear (5 replies)
  149. Man what a hunt (1 replies)
  150. Some upland game hunting (16 replies)
  151. Spot and stalk (3 replies)
  152. 2010 Alaska Moose (11 replies)
  153. Waiting for Monday 20 September (0 replies)
  154. Got my California Antelope! (11 replies)
  155. Just Lovey Dovey (13 replies)
  156. I Picked Out My Elk This Morning.New Pics added (17 replies)
  157. Fall Black Bear (17 replies)
  158. California Blacktail Opening (7 replies)
  159. Greenland 2010 Hunt ..coming up (2 replies)
  160. Sorry, but I have to go... (11 replies)
  161. A trip of firsts. (3 replies)
  162. Got my 08 Muley back. (9 replies)
  163. Community Service (Small Texas Hog) (9 replies)
  164. Wild Boar hunting in sweden (11 replies)
  165. Wyoming Pronghorn draw (0 replies)
  166. 3 shots, 2 hogs. (12 replies)
  167. 300 wby VS snake on table inside a lodge (0 replies)
  168. Broz = 1 BFS = 0 (17 replies)
  169. I killed a Toilet (10 replies)
  170. Found the Bear I Have Been After. (7 replies)
  171. First Shot First Kill with my 30-378 (11 replies)
  172. Another 210 Berger report (3 replies)
  173. My Colorado Friend is Here To Hang Around (3 replies)
  174. Oklahoma Critters (8 replies)
  175. Boar Hunt, Highs & Lows (9 replies)
  176. 210 Berger vs. big sow (4 replies)
  177. Devirginizing the 6mm BR Vanguard (2 replies)
  178. Blue Wildebeest with a solid in 460 WBY in South Africa (3 replies)
  179. wolverine sighting in Ontario (18 replies)
  180. I Got A Visitor From Wyoming Today (20 replies)
  181. Called in 2 more dingo's this morn (6 replies)
  182. My December buck.....brrrrrrrrrr! (0 replies)
  183. Vandenberg AFB Pig Hunt (6 replies)
  184. Another dingo (11 replies)
  185. Texan WTD in Mexico (3 replies)
  186. Good use of a Weatherby (54 replies)
  187. Meat Transport - Air Travel??? (7 replies)
  188. Capercaillie hunt (3 replies)
  189. Ballistic Buffalo (1 replies)
  190. Chain Saw or Weatherby? (15 replies)
  191. Whats More Fun Than Calling in a Coyote and Busting Him? (9 replies)
  192. Used the coyote hounds today. (4 replies)
  193. Got me a Kitty! (22 replies)
  194. elk hunting 09 (7 replies)
  195. 700 Pound Bull Yote!! good thing I had a Weatherby (4 replies)
  196. A Pretty Good Poke for a Coyote (11 replies)
  197. Successful Elk Hunt (19 replies)
  198. Done for the season (3 replies)
  199. which grain bullet? (5 replies)
  200. Kansas Whitetails (0 replies)
  201. Pa deer (12 replies)
  202. Blizzard, Bee, Bang, Sting (10 replies)
  203. Utah Elk (13 replies)
  204. California Tule Elk Cow (8 replies)
  205. My first Coues deer. (4 replies)
  206. Virginia 7 pointer (4 replies)
  207. Overnighter (8 replies)
  208. Wyoming Whitetail (11 replies)
  209. New Mexico Elk Hunt (5 replies)
  210. Texas (3 replies)
  211. Africa. 270 Wea Pre-64 Winnie (8 replies)
  212. Elk with a 165 gr. Partition (12 replies)
  213. Whitetail with 460 (5 replies)
  214. A .340 Appalachian Adventure (20 replies)
  215. 2009 Blacktail Buck (4 replies)
  216. Father and son in search of Wyoming Mule Deer (50 replies)
  217. New kid on the block (1 replies)
  218. Date night 2009 (17 replies)
  219. Got my first grouse of the season today. (4 replies)
  220. MT '09 Deer (11 replies)
  221. 2009 Montana Elk Hunt. (19 replies)
  222. My First Antelope (9 replies)
  223. Moose hunt (2 replies)
  224. New Weatherby Vanguard .270 WSM meets Speed goat (3 replies)
  225. A Few More Elk Pics (5 replies)
  226. 2009 Colorado Elk hunt (6 replies)
  227. From Heaven to Hell (12 replies)
  228. First Speed Goat of the Season. (19 replies)
  229. AK moose 2009 (11 replies)
  230. Success! Thanks 4 the help! (11 replies)
  231. We MUST Stop Meeting Like This..... (12 replies)
  232. Anyone in Texas? (6 replies)
  233. oregon black bear (8 replies)
  234. Hunting Rant (9 replies)
  235. My best roe deer ever! (6 replies)
  236. Hey Smokin99 Caught that yote (15 replies)
  237. Nice Bow Goat (6 replies)
  238. My Dad's antelope (4 replies)
  239. My New Neighbor is Bull Headed (13 replies)
  240. 1st Montana Yote (12 replies)
  241. New member broke in my new 257 (7 replies)
  242. Coyote Hunting with vengance (3 replies)
  243. Father/daughter hunt (13 replies)
  244. My coyote hunting partner's deer (10 replies)
  245. Photo Of The Day Till Season Starts. (7 replies)
  246. Roe Deer Hunt in UK (13 replies)
  247. Yet another Bee sting (7 replies)
  248. Another bitch (10 replies)
  249. Coyote Bee sting (16 replies)
  250. Boar Hunt (11 replies)