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View Full Version : Vanguard Recall.

Ty Linger
08-14-2009, 22:24
Maybe this is old news, but I just saw it for the first time. Anybody heard of this before, or worse yet, know of it happening?

Quick Paraphrase

Weatherby is recalling the bolt sleeve on all vanguards manufactured from 1970 to 1993. Apparently something can malfunction causing the rifle to possibly discharge before the bolt is fully closed.

Here's the link: http://www.weatherby.com/vanguardsafety

340 Weatherby
08-14-2009, 23:16
It's old news, but still important to new users of the forum!

Added Info:

Important Safety Notice Regarding Weatherby’s Vanguard Rifle


Weatherby, Inc. of Paso Robles, California, is performing a safety upgrade on all Vanguard® by Weatherby brand rifles manufactured between the years 1970 to 1993.
The affected rifles bear serial numbers from one of the following series on the receiver: 00001 through 03810; V00001 through V80966; VX00001 through VX44065; VS00001 through VS23699; VL00001 through VL46984; W0001 through W0099; NV0001 through NV0099. The safety upgrade will replace the bolt sleeve to prevent misassembly of the bolt, which might occur on the affected rifles. Such misassembly might result into a hazardous condition in which the rifle can be accidentally discharged without the bolt being fully engaged, causing severe injury.
WARNING: If you own a Vanguard® by Weatherby rifle with a serial number from one of the serial number series referred to above: USE OF YOUR RIFLE MAY RESULT IN AN ACCIDENT AND SEVERE INJURY. STOP USING YOUR RIFLE IMMEDIATELY and click on this link http://www.weatherby.com/vanguardsafety/registration ( to receive a Bolt Return Kit. Only the bolt sleeve is being upgraded. Your bolt will be returned to you after the upgrade. If you do not have web access, call Weatherby at 1-800-227-2018 to receive a Bolt Return Kit.


The affected rifles were originally sold through licensed gun dealers nationwide, and some of them may have been resold by the original owners through retail gun dealers, trade shows or privately. If you have sold, traded or given away an affected Vanguard® by Weatherby rifle, it is important for you to forward this Safety Notice to the current owner.
Weatherby apologizes for any inconvenience to its customers resulting from this safety upgrade program, but it is important that owners of affected rifles take advantage of this free upgrade program and do not use an affected rifle before it has been upgraded. All work will be done at the factory at no charge. Return the bolt only, not the entire rifle. Please do not return your Vanguard® by Weatherby bolt to the factory before contacting us at either http://www.weatherby.com/vanguardsafety/registration ( or 1-800-227-2018 for your Bolt Return Kit.

09-23-2009, 01:47
I ran across this recall last winter. I entered the info from my old 30-06 Vanguard to the Weatherby site and the confirmed that it was part of the recall. They sent me a pre-paid, padded envelope to send the bolt to them.
A few weeks later my bolt was returned with a new sleeve on it.

The new sleeve was a different shape and does not match up as well as the one on my new 257 Vanguard. However it does not look bad and I would not have noticed if I didn't have another one to compare it to.


09-23-2009, 01:53
Yup- I had this happen to my Vanguard .22-250 many years ago. Same deal- they sent me a padded envelope, I sent them my bolt and got Her back completely rebuilt. I don't know if it was for the same issue but Weatherby made it right.:D:D

02-16-2013, 22:57
Maybe this is old news, but I just saw it for the first time. Anybody heard of this before, or worse yet, know of it happening?

Quick Paraphrase

Weatherby is recalling the bolt sleeve on all vanguards manufactured from 1970 to 1993. Apparently something can malfunction causing the rifle to possibly discharge before the bolt is fully closed.

Here's the link: http://www.weatherby.com/vanguardsafety

Thanks a bunch Ty. Both of my rifles are on the recall list. I appreciate your help.

04-10-2014, 22:12
Yea I sent in two bolts off my 270 and my 30/06.
I had them back in no time and they work great.
I called them when I saw the notice and they sent
me a package to put them in postage paid.
Then they returned them in the mail quite promptly.
Quick service and went above and beyond in customer service.
Thanks Weatherby!!

10-30-2018, 09:25
The new sleeve was a different shape and does not match up as well as the one on my new more (https://top10casinobonuscodes.com)
 Vanguard. However it does not look bad and I would not have noticed if I didn't have another one to compare it to.

03-22-2020, 19:36
Does anyone have photos of the Vanguard bolt before and after Weatherby repair? I need to know if a rifle has already been repaired. Weatherby says their records say yes, but the ower says no.