Downloads: Exe Files

Files in category : Exe Files
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BlackPowderCalc.exe BlackPowderCalc.exe : The formula was created by Don Miller. Program will estimate muzzle Velocity using black powder. Compiled in VB6.0 Updated to version 1.3 (28.0 KB) 04-23-2023 118 : QuickLOAD OBT Tool. (66.0 KB) 02-19-2023 155
BarrelVelocity.exe BarrelVelocity.exe : Here is my latest software, BarrelVelocity. It will calculate the MV in your caliber removing or adding barrel length. The data is from QL, so it should be quite accurate. Please report if there is some calibers "missing" Calibers included: 17 Remington 22 Hornet 222 Remington 223 Remington 224 Wby Magnum 22-250 Remington 220 Swift 5.6 x 52 R 5.6 x 57 5.6 x 57 R 243 Win 244 Remington 6 mm PPC 6 mm Remington 240 Wby Magnum 25-06 Remington 257 Wby Magnum 6.5 x 55 Swedish 6.5-284 Norma 264 Win Magnum 26 Nosler 6.5 -300 Wby Magnum 270 Win 270 Wby Magnum 280 Remington 284 Win 7 mm-08 Remington 7 x 57 mm Mauser 7 mm Remington Magnum 7 mm WSM 28 Nosler 7 mm Remington SA Ultra Mag 7 mm STW 7 mm Dakota 7 mm Wby Magnum 7 mm-300 Wby Magnum 30-30 Win 307 Win 308 Win 30-06 Springfield 300 Blaser Magnum 300 Dakota 300 RCM 300 Remington SA Ultra Mag 300 WSM 308 Norma Magnum 30 Nosler 300 Win Magnum 300 Wby Magnum 30-378 Wby Magnum 3 ... [more] (117.0 KB) 04-16-2017 241
MVCalc.exe MVCalc.exe : This program will calculate MV from a known load changing bullet weight, muzzle length and case volume. Please read the About Box in the program before using! To run this program you will need to have NET Framework 3.5 or higher. Most computers will have the framework installed. Program is Compiled in VB.Net (174.5 KB) 10-07-2015 222
LHC.exe LHC.exe : Brinell tester software. Supports Saeco and LEE. (123.0 KB) 12-04-2014 193
ChronoBCsetup.exe ChronoBCsetup.exe : Chrono BC is a program to calculate BC from two chronographed velocities. The program is very accurate as long as the data is feed correct. (542.9 KB) 10-18-2013 189
PressureConvertersetup.exe PressureConvertersetup.exe : Program for converting pressure. Supports PSI/CUP/BAR/MPA and more. (391.9 KB) 05-25-2013 117
BC.exe BC.exe : BC Calculator Alogo from Lilja Precision Rifle Barrels Inc. (165.0 KB) 11-08-2012 217
BLC.exe BLC.exe : Barrel Life Calculator Calculates the lifespan of a rifle barrel. (150.5 KB) 11-08-2012 439
qtulapua.exe qtulapua.exe : Lapuas version of Quick Target. (15.05 MB) 11-08-2012 128
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